Poster Section & Best Poster Award

Poster Section & Best Poster Award

This year's EASN International Conference will feature a new element: the "Poster Section and Competition". Approximately 80 works have been selected to be presented in poster format. The posters will be displayed for all days of the conference in a prominent area of the venue, ensuring high visibility.

First and foremost, we would like to underline that in the EASN Conference, poster presentations are works of equal scientific merit with the ones that will be presented orally. They are entitled to be submitted for publication in both the open access proceedings of the Conference (MDPI Engineering Proceedings), as well as the scientific journals which will include extended version of selected papers presented at the Conference, following always a peer review process.

Two dedicated sessions for poster tours will be included in the conference agenda, one on the afternoon of the DAY 1 (8th October) and the other on the afternoon of the DAY 3 (10th October).

As far as the competition and the “Best Poster Award” is concerned, it is open for participation to all accepted posters but not mandatory for the presentation at the conference. The competition is sponsored by the EASN Association and the Aerospace journal. 

For the posters that will participate at the competition:

  • An Evaluation Committee will be appointed, consisting of reputable members of the International Scientific Committee of the conference. Participating poster authors are requested to provide a 5-slides pack to the Organizing Committee by the 15th of September 2024. The slides pack should have the same content with the physical poster by considering the following structure:
    • Poster title and authors info
    • Abstract
    • Methodology
    • Results / Major findings
    • Conclusions
  • The Evaluation Committee will review the slides pack and during the dedicated posters tours will interact with the authors/presenters.
  • Based on the above process, the committee will finally meet a decision for the Best Poster of the Conference. 


Best Poster Award
The winner of the Best Poster Award will be announced during the closing ceremony of the conference on Friday the 11th of October. During this plenary session the award will be also delivered.
The Best Poster Award includes:

  •  A free publication in Aerospace Journal
  • A free pass for the 2025 EASN Conference
  • A 3-years membership in the EASN Association


Guidelines for Poster Authors

  • Prepare your poster in a roll-up banner format (85x200cm). Based on the available infrastructure of the conference venue, only this format is possible for display. Guidelines for the poster format can be found here.
  • If you decide to participate in the competition, provide your 5-slides pack by the 15th of September 2024. No specific template for the slides is available. However, the conference banner is available in the media kit, for optional use.
  • Upon your arrival at the conference venue, contact the Organizing Committee at the registration desk to be informed about the poster area and the exact place of your poster.
  • Make sure that at least one of the authors is available at the poster exhibition area, especially during the two dedicated tours. 
  • In case you need any support during the conference, don’t hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee and/or the volunteers’ team that will be available throughout the conference at the venue.

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