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The permanent aim of the EASN Association is to ensure the excellence and high scientific merit of the EASN Conference series. The publication of high-quality papers in reputable peer-reviewed international journals contributes to achieving this aim.  


Prospective authors are warmly invited to submit their abstracts through the EASN Conference's online platform which can be found here. The deadline to submit or modify an existing submission is May 31st, 2025, at 23:59:59 C.E.T. and the notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to you by June 30th, 2025.

All accepted abstracts will be presented during the 15th EASN International Conference and will be published in the Conference Book of Abstracts,which will be distributed to the Conference participants.


Conference Proceedings

engineering proceedings


Proceedings are an important part of the scientific record, documenting and preserving work presented at the EASN Conferences throughout the years. This year, all full papers submitted and presented during the 15th EASN International Conference will be published by MDPI in the respective open-access volume of the “15th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space towards sustainability today and tomorrow” by  Engineering Proceedings Journal.

MDPI Engineering Proceedings(E-ISSN 2673-4591 with Cite Score: 0.7, Scopus Indexed) is the open-access publication series of the MDPI and provides a convenient proceedings publication service where papers are widely indexed and distributed across all major discovery services. All articles published through the MDPI Engineering Proceedings are open-access and permanently free to download. In general, they are:

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to prepare a full 8-page paper in a specific template and submit it through the online submission platform or via the e-mail: The deadline to submit or modify an existing submission is November 30th, 2025 at 23:59:59 C.E.T. The acceptance of your paper(s) will be subject to a regular review process performed by the International Scientific Committee. To submit your contribution, please follow the instructions provided below:

  • GUIDELINES: Prepare your full-length paper(s) according to the detailed guidelines for authors provided by MDPI which can be found here.
  • TEMPLATES: The length of the paper should not exceed eight (8) pages. The respective document templates can be found here.


Special Issue



Further to the Conference Proceedings, which will include all presented papers, a number of selected papers will be published in a Special Issue dedicated to the 15th EASN International Conference of the Aerospace Journal, following peer-review.

Prospective authors will have the opportunity to publish their works in this international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, which focuses on original papers, review articles, short notes, and communications related to all fields of aerospace science, engineering, and technology. It covers theoretical, fundamental and applied results linked to potential applications that are related to research, design, manufacture, operations, control, and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft.

  • Aerospace ISSN: 2226-4310
  • Aerospace is indexed: within Scopus (2024 CiteScore: 3.9), SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, and many other databases. More information regarding AEROSPACE indexing can be found here
  • Impact Factor: 2.1 (2023); 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.4 (2023)

Aerospace Journal is Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. The European Aerospace Science Network (EASN) is affiliated with Aerospace Journal, therefore prospective authors will receive a discount on the article processing charges, as following:

  • 30% discount for non-EASN members
  • 50% discount for EASN members (Join the EASN


Guidelines for Authors

  1. Prospective authors will be required to warrant that the work is original and submitted for first publication in the respective scientific journal(s). All submitted manuscripts will be checked to avoid claims of plagiarism. In this context, overlaps with already published works, including the full-length papers for the EASN Conference proceedings, should typically not exceed 25% . The accurate percentage of acceptable overlap will be set by the respective journal.
  2. In order for a work to be presented during the Conference, and be eligible for publication to the Conference Proceedings or/and the Special Issue, at least one author of this work is needed to have a paid registration for the 15th EASN International Conference .
  3. Each participant is entitled to give at most 2 presentations.